You can't have a holiday dinner without a sweet potato souffle! And this is a wonderful version. I got this from my mother-in-law, who got the recipe from...
Sweet potatoes have been a holiday staple for many years and score 101 next to the regular white potato. Combining them with a coconut streusel topping...
The best sweet potato casserole ever! This recipe was handed down to me by my mother-in-law. I get so many compliments on this dish and so many requests...
A Southern take on the traditional sweet potato casserole; a creamy sweet potato base covered liberally with a crunchy pecan praline topping. This dish...
Once you taste this, you won't ever go back to the marshmallow-topped variety! I have peeled and cooked in the microwave, and also boiled the sweet potatoes....
What Americans call yams are actually a variety of sweet potato. Fragrant sweet potatoes layered with Granny Smith apples and topped with a sweet mixture...
Thanksgiving wouldn't be the same without this recipe! We could do without the turkey, but not grandma's sweet potato casserole. Believe me, you will love...
My entire family has always hated yams until I made this dish 15 years ago. Now everyone looks forward to this dish during the holidays. However, I do...
Creamy, fluffy, rich sweet potatoes with a meringue top. Enjoy sweet potatoes' natural sweetness without drowning it in sugar. This is everyone's favorite....
My niece is allergic to cinnamon, so I came up with this variation of a classic sweet potato casserole with pecans recipe. This recipe is for a 3-quart...
A great sweet potato casserole recipe -- my children insist on this every holiday! Lots of miniature marshmallows, coconut and pecans make this an extra...
Delicious sweet potato casserole with a tropical twist. It can be vegan-friendly and dairy-free if you use a dairy-free margarine. Lower in fat and calories...
I took my mom's childhood candied yam recipe and added a layer of caramel. It is now a must at every Thanksgiving and Christmas and is often requested...
Sweet potato casserole flavored with Tennessee whiskey, brown sugar, and topped with candied pecans. A rich and comforting take on a classic holiday dish...
As root vegetables come to harvest, try this out. These are the vegetables I use but they can be altered to suit your individual taste. Collectively, everything...
I created this dish after getting tired of all those yam recipes using brown sugar and marshmallows. This makes sweet potatoes taste more like they should...
This is a simple recipe for sweet potato casserole. But it is also the best I have tasted, enriched with eggs, milk, and rum, and topped with a crunchy...
Addictingly sweet and awesomely fabulous sweet potato casserole! Perfect dish for someone with a sweet tooth or for those wishing to add something sweet...
This recipes uses the dark orange colored sweet potatoes that are often sold in grocery stores under the name of yams. This is different spin on the usually...